This is 21st century,
globalization is taking its full form, and we are all connected in one way or
the other, great issues of today centers on extreme poverty, maternal health, access
to primary education, environmental sustainability and climate change, security
(Terrorism) and most importantly inequality
among people in the world.
No doubt, the gap that exists among
citizens of this world in relation to income, welfare and general status are
becoming wide and calls for great concern. Countless arguments, debates and
various schools of thoughts blamed the inequality of opportunities On ‘Free
Market’ while I agree that there exists an increasing and a rather
widening gap caused by inequality in opportunities, attributing the aforesaid undesirable
phenomenon to Free Market is totally objectionable.
In this essay, I will explain how
free market promotes equal opportunities, drawing
explicitly from the propositions of Adams Smith who laid the foundation
in his classical book titled “Wealth of Nations”
The Free
Basically, The theory of free
market is a structure in which all prices for goods and services are determined
by demand and supply and there exists no barrier on the flow of those goods and
services, Bearing in mind the definition of economic inequalities as defined by
Wikipedia as "the difference found in various measures of economic well-being among
individuals in a group, among groups in a population" Adams Smith's
principles are highlighted below;
Individual Right
Limited Government
Equal Justice Under Law
Spontaneous Order
The Golden Rule
From the above highlighted
principles it is apparent that free market is an individualistic one, each
person is accountable for his actions and responsible for his success and
failure. Hence, promoting equal opportunities
Also it can be deduced clearly
that a free market allow every one pursue his many options in life, notwithstanding
his origin, social class or gender, autonomy of choice which is closely
monitored by justice under the law. Thus in a free market equal opportunities
are given, a secured competitive environment and the degree of one’s success is
absolutely based on distinction, expertise and determination, also
every benefits provided by a state is equal and relatively no limits to one’s
ambition. The free market propositions by smith in every way supports the
non-harm principle in a market operation, which is supported by the law and
administered by independent judges, supports education for all ages, promotes
equality by taxing people in proportion to their income
A True Free Market principles will not only grant an individual
freedom but also be used as a powerful tool in closing the inequality. By
giving a freedom of choice, opportunities are available for everyone to choose
from. Noteworthy is the instances of corruption, shady deals, political nepotism,
they are enemies of Free Market.
A True Free Market is not and in fact should not be seen as anti-equality but
a system that promotes equal opportunities.
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